13 August 2024

More dog days...

...but of a different kind, and not in Saint-Aignan or Loches. Our high temperature is supposed to be around 80ºF today. That will feel good. As for Loches, it's a big town (pop. approx. 6,200) that's just 20 minutes northwest of Montpoupon and 35 minutes southwest of Saint-Aignan and Montrichard. The town surrounds a big rock promontory on which sit a massive medieval donjon (fortified tower), a 14th century logis royal (royal residence), and an interesting old church. More tomorrow...

Today's blog dogs are made of stone (or concrete?) and protect the main entrance into the royal residence where several French kings lived in the late Middle Ages and where several famous French women including Joan of Arc and Agnès Sorel spent time. If you enlarge the image on the left above, you can sort of see the dogs sitting on the residence's front steps.

Down in the town of Loches stands a 50-meter-tall Renaissance-era (16th century) bell tower.
(Fifty meters is 164 feet.)


  1. It's nice that it's dogs to guard and greet :)

  2. I'm glad that I got to see Loches and these lovely dogs. 80 degrees is perfect in by book.

  3. Good looking dogs. I missed Loches when I was traveling in your area, wish I had gone there.

  4. The dogs are very nicely done, and the lichens just add to it.


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