05 September 2023

Near and on the Tour Saint-Jacques

The photo on the left above is not part of the Tour Saint-Jacques, but is nearby on the place du Châtelet. I think I took it from ground level, as I did the three other photos, which show architectural details of the Tour Saint-Jacques itself.


Yesterday we realized that our land-line phone had been out of service for nearly a week. I had only tried to make one call during that week, and it was to our friend Sue in California. I couldn't get her phone to ring. Then yesterday I tried to call a local number, and I couldn't get it to ring either. At that point, Walt realized we didn't have a dial tone. We think that the "micro" electrical outages we've been having for the past month might have been the cause.

Our phone is plugged into our fiber optic router, which we rent from the Orange telephone and internet provider. I contacted Orange, and within half an hour the phone started working again. The problem was that we had to enter an 18-character password full of required capital letters, lowercase letters, and various numbers to get the internet working again. And that had to be done on 7 or 8 computers and tablets. That pretty much kept us busy for most of the day. I just got the last computer connected this morning.


  1. Ken, I now have that idiotically complex number as a Notepad file on all computers [Notes on the Macs] and open it up and cut and paste!
    Entering that is too prone to error if done by hand.... we are now SFR for our Fibre and I'd hoped to escape that.... no such luck!
    The SFR one is 20 characters with shift-key on far too many of them!!

    1. And, after too many power outages this summer, I am going to contact Orange and get an ordinary land line installed.... all the home network for a "normal" no fibre line is still there and goes to one of those HUGE t-shaped plugs. But if Pauline fell ill again and it coincided with a power outage, we'd have no 'phone!!

    2. I tried to cut and paste the password but pasting was not an option in the password field.

    3. Strange.... I could on Orange and now SFR...

  2. Holy cow, that's an annoying task.
    But, those photos from ground level are wonderful :)

  3. Comme dit Judy, Vache sacrée! Ce sont les joyeusetés de l’électronique!

    1. I remember spending several — no, many — hours with you in Paris trying to get the Orange Livebox connected. I think that was a 26-character password. It was frustrating but comical.

  4. Modern problems! Our provider Spectrum didn't carry ESPN or the SEC network this weekend which caused a major hassle that required a firestick and outside help from our daughter.

  5. To redo that on 7 or 8 devices - quelle horreur!

    1. I just got the mini PC that I have hooked up to our living room TV reconnected to the internet yesterday morning. It took me five tries to get the password right before it finally connected.

  6. When things go wrong they create hours of work. On a lighter note, the golden angel is wearing oven mits! Lesley

    1. I think I read somewhere that those oven mitts were olive branches or some such. I wondered what they were when I saw them in the photo.


    2. I think those “oven mitts” are crowns plain and simple!

    3. Everything I read says the "oven mitts" are lauriers. Here's a link to an example.


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