08 September 2023

Le Louvre (2) — many statues

We are having a lengthy heat wave. The temperature on the front terrace, in the afternoon shade, hit 34ºC (93ºF). That's after three days with afternoon highs of 35ºC (95ºF). Predictions are for more of the same through next Monday. I can't say the heat is killing us, but it is weird for it to be this hot in September. We make do with three big fans strategically placed around the house, and with opening everything up early in the morning to let in some cool morning air. Still, it's hard to think about anything but the heat, and it's hard to get any work done inside or outside.

The good news is that by next Wednesday and for the rest of the month, our afternoon highs are predicted to be between 70º and 75ºF (the low 20s in centigrade). Enjoy the statuary above. The photos are some I took in July 2013.


  1. The sculpture of the man on the horse is pretty spectacular in all its green, weathered glory. The inscription above regarding Napoleon III and the construction of the Louvre under Henry IV and Louis XIII is pretty interesting. Wonder ifthe sculpture is supposed to be a glorified version on Napoleon Trois?

  2. I'm also drawn to the Pegasus- the combination of aged copper and gold is beautiful. I hope our weather will be cooling soon.

  3. Oh, my gosh, those are such excellent photos, Ken!
    He can just be so draining when it’s going on for days. Hang on, good temps around the corner.

  4. Your photos are so good!


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