29 September 2023

Late October in the vineyard...

...the Renaudière vineyard, I mean, here in Saint-Aignan. These are pictures from nine years ago. We had just returned from a short October road trip to Burgundy. We hadn't yet realized that the great pandemic and long-lasting drought were in our future. I'm glad we took as many road trips as we did between 2008 and 2019.

October clouds over the vineyard at sunset

Autumn colors on the grape leaves

Lingering leaves, getting ready to drop

Grapes harvested, their skeletons still on the vines


  1. I am very thankful for every trip I ever took. Especially the one in 2021- so glad I was able to see you then.

  2. Colors galore. Even in the muted purple of the leftover grape vine! My favorite time of year.

  3. Wonderful introduction to Autumn, Ken! Colorful leaves are my favorite part of this season!


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