10 February 2023

Février 2003 (4)

Today I'll just post another set of photos that I took at Chartres in February 9, 2003. When I think back on that trip to France from California, I realize I made the most of it. I was in Rouen for a few days, saw and had dinner with friends, and walked around the city while it was covered with snow. I also saw Chambord, Saint-Aignan, Chenonceau, and Chartres, all of which are major landmarks. And then I spent a few days in Paris before flying back to San Francisco. Now that I don't travel any more — at least for the time being — it all seems pretty amazing.


  1. Excellent photos of dentelle de pierre.
    Off Topic — I was reading about the snow storms in Northern California. They said Sacramento was hit the hardest from the atmospheric rivers. I was wondering if your friend Sue was safe. I don’t remember if her property is localted in an area prone to flooding or to landslides. Say hello if you have a chance.

    1. Sue is safe. I talked to her on the phone yesterday. She is not in a flood zone and is not in danger from landslides.

  2. Whoops, error! LOL I was thinking that was Eleanor of Aquitaine, but I think a different one on the other side of that portal, is Eleanor.

  3. You zoomed around France twenty years ago. So glad I traveled a lot in my sixties. I don't have the same energy level now that I'm in my seventies. Chartres is a special place.

    1. Hi Evelyn
      The first time I went to Chartres was just after the war and, in some way, I was lucky all the stained-glass windows were still in storage and the interior of the church was flooded with light and you could detail all the architectural nooks and crannies that are obscured now that the vitraux are reset.
      Late in 1939, the stained-glass windows of many churches and cathedrals, worth to be protected and saved, were deposed and sent to châteaux owned by the government for safe-keeping. So was it the same for paintings from the Louvre, Mona Lisa (la Joconde), especially, at Chambord.

  4. Are the figure the apostles, or clergy members? They all have buildings above their heads which makes me think they're associated with a certain abby or church.


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