14 October 2022

Cheese sauce for lunch

Oops! I meant to say endives for lunch, with ham. It was a gray day, with sprinkles of rain. Walt built a fire in the wood stove. Meanwhile, I slaved over the kitchen stove, cooking endives in butter and lemon juice and making a sauce mornay, which is béchamel with cheese melted in it.

Comté cheese. Jambon de Paris. Belgian endives. I've posted about making gratin d'endives so many times.

     You wouldn't be wrong to think that the main reason for making this gratin is the opportunity to mop up and enjoy eating all that cheese sauce with some really good French bread.


  1. Ha! I was just showing this dish of yours (from an old post) to my French-4 students!

  2. Photo #4 is really strange. The first time I looked at it, I thought it was three eggplant slices over some kind of sausage! Illusion d’optique!
    Now, I can see both, the baguette and the sausage! For a short while, I wondered what new dish that was.

    1. It's been a long time since you were last in France. You no longer recognize French bread when you see it.

    2. I have seen French bread for much longer than you and I do know how it looks. May I suggest you should look up illusion d’optique in the dictionary ?

    3. Your comment sounds angry. I know what an optical illusion is.

  3. Ken I thought you'd get a laugh out of this. Texas Pete hot sauce is being sued because it's not made in Texas, lol. Here's a link: https://abc7.com/texas-pete-lawsuit-hot-sauce-where-is-made/12312519/
    It has made their sales go up!

    1. It's been called Texas Pete since it was concocted back in 1929.

    2. I suspect this will be viewed as a frivolous lawsuit. ;-) Especially when a jar is $3. Or maybe it was for the publicity?


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