28 October 2020

Provence doors, windows, and shutters... mostly blue

Who doesn't like taking pictures of colorful or weather-beaten shutters and doors in France.
Especially in Provence. These date back to September 2001.

I made about 1.5 liters of pumpking enchilada sauce yesterday. Pumpkin puree, tomato puree, chili powder, cumin, hot smoked paprika, fennel, thyme... We'll be eating a lot of enchiladas over the winter. I'm also thinking that some of the spicy pumpkin sauce would be a good base for chili con carne, with the addition of more tomatoes, some meat, and some beans.


  1. Various shdes of sky blue seem to be the favorite colors in Southern France.

  2. I loved them all! That one with the skinny road, with buildings on each side, that had a building with a bright blue door, all lit up by sunlight up ahead, was especially cool.

    Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin! Will Walt be making pumpkin purée raviolis? I feel like I remember him making that before.

    1. You saw that blue door eh? I thought it was cool too.

    2. That same photo reminded me of many narrow walkways that I've been down in the south of France - many with blue shutters/doors or blue pots of with red flowers! Perigueux had one such street that I insisted my husband take a photo because there were several blue doors in that one area!
      Today, especially, my heart rate just immediately went down, I relaxed and I was transported back to the land of sunshine, blue skies and beige stone buildings in Provence! I needed that today, Merci, Ken.

      Mary in Oregon

  3. That vine growing over the parking area of the gite is truly a wonder. The owners must have to keep a constant eye on it to make sure it's kept under control.

    Pumpkin chili sounds delicious. And I bet it would be great as a pasta sauce. What about a base sauce for one of Walt's pizzas?

  4. Just read Walt's blog. Pizza question answered.

  5. Pictures of French villages with blue doors and shutters should be enough to lift anyone’s spirits! Thanks.

  6. What's interesting about these blue shutters is one gets the idea that they could actually close. As opposed to shutters in the states, which may or may not match the shape an size of the adjacent window, lol.

  7. Confinement for France again. :((( I think we won't be far behind here in the NL. Stay safe the two of you!


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