23 December 2023

Still here, almost awake

I got my fourth dose of the Covid 19 vaccine yesterday morning, not quite 24 hours ago. The pharmacist jabbed the needle into my left shoulder, which is both hurting and itching this morning. I did not get a good night's sleep because of the pain I felt every time I moved.

In addition, in the middle of the night, Tasha heard something and went wild barking. Walt said he thought he had heard a bell ring, but I didn't hear it. We have a bell at our front gate, and we can see it from an upstairs window, but there was nobody down there that we could see.

I never did get back to sleep. I hope that 24 hours from now I'll feel a lot better. Meanwhile, I think I'll start researching stuffing/dressing recipes in preparation for Monday's capon feast that we'll be cooking for our Christmas dinner.


  1. Sorry to hear about your reaction to the recent Covid booster, but I imagine that you will feel fine soon. That sounds just like what my husband I experienced. I felt fine within a day or two, but he felt a bit drained for a few days. In any case, as annoying as it is, it is only temporary, and, thank heavens, nothing like having Covid (which is running rampant around here again... one of my friends has had her family Christmas celebrations disrupted again this year, by Covid... a family member who had been expected to come in from out of town, has Covid, so that whole family isn't coming, and then her daughter and grand-son also have it, and can't come... none of them had the new booster).

    1. I'm glad to have gotten the latest booster. I sure do miss having friends visit over the holidays, but it's probably for the best.

  2. I had a reaction to the first one, but none since. I am sure you are ok by the time you read this. Neither Tom nor I have had Covid so far. We were really careful for the two years of the pandemic. Just because of our rather quiet lifestyle, we are still careful. Covid is definitely coming back here in central Illinois. Hope all is well and you and Walt have a nice holiday season.

    1. Hi Harriett, I am feeling better now, another 24 hours later. Like you, we live a quiet life too, and we're pretty careful. Here in France, the authorities are asking us to start putting our masks on again, and to use disinfectant on our hands as often as possible. I hope you two have a good Christmas Day. Ken

  3. Hope you are feeling better now. It's Christmas eve eve! I bet your stuffing will be delicious.

    1. I am definitely feeling better this morning. I got a good night's sleep. Merry Christmas!


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