16 December 2023

More December scenes and skies

I'm following the calendar but switching the years a little. Today I'm focused on mid-December photos between 2009 and 2013. In winter, sunrises and sunsets are definitely the most colorful times of the day. And at the bottom below are a couple of pictures of Bertie the black cat in Decembers past. Bert gave up the ghost in April 2023. He departed peacefully. We decided not to bring another cat into the household.


  1. Replies
    1. De bien de points de vue, Bertie nous manque. Cependant, on est content de ne pas avoir adopté un successeur.

  2. I find these photos very peaceful.

  3. Loving that last picture of him trotting into the sunset (or sunrise).

    1. It was a sunrise and it is a nice photo. I was lucky.


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