11 December 2023

Equine portraits, and a December sunrise

I'm not sure where I took these pictures. It must have been near a village about 20 miles south of Saint-Aignan. Friends of ours had bought a house out there in 2005. We were helping them get set up by loaning them some furniture, towels, sheets, and pillows, for a short stay in December. These photos are dated 12/10/2005 at about five p.m., except for the sunrise, which is dated 12/10/2007


  1. Ken, what kind of equine is that, the orange-ish one that looks like it has short legs and a big belly?

  2. The red guy looks a little like a Shetland pony but could also be a miniature horse. It's hard to tell. It's wintertime and his wearing his heavy winter coat! I always enjoy seeing horses out in their pastures.


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