12 March 2022

Laon : standing on animals

Does anybody know what the significance of having these carved figures
standing on the backs of animals is all about? I surely don't.





  1. On photo #5 (and 3), the first two personnages on the left are Abraham and his son Isaac. Abraham holds a really big knife ready to sacrifice his son. But, instead, he will sacrifice the ram on which he is standing. The others are not as evident. I was thinking of St. George and the dragon (photo #2)? and Daniel with the lions (photo #1) ? or the four evangelists or Jonas...
    Who else is associated with animals?

  2. Chm is right, in medieval iconography all apostles and saints can be identified by their animal, their dress and equipment. Everybody knew how to read the pictures then through these identifiers. John the Baptist should have a lamb and ragged clothes, St Jerome a large round hat and a dog, etc. I too think it is St George with the dragon. Buried women usually rest their feet on a dog for faithfulness and men on a lion for bravery, but I think it is an artistic choice to have the saints standing on a a animal or angel in Laon.

    1. Thanks, onevikinggirl. Not raised Catholic, as I said above.

    2. My pagan gods have similar iconography so it was easy to learn the medieval art symbols.

  3. Thanks Onevikinggirl and CHM! These statues are like superheroes, we all know superman and wonderwoman. I didn't realize that all the apostles and saints had an animal. We have a brass rubbing of a knight with a dog at his feet. We are part of an animal kingdom. We are having a cold spell in 'Bama with a snow dusting this morning.

  4. Thanks chm! I know St. Mark is a winged lion, and yes with the dragon that must be St. George, the dragonslayer.

  5. Thanks, Onevikinggirl! I have always wondered about this, too.
    And, Ken, I WAS raised a Catholic LOL... but, I've never opened a bible in my life, so I don't know who any of the "main characters" are. You know, those catechism classes were not very effective. Maybe kids who were forced to take religion classes every day, at a Catholic school, know these things? I sure don't.

  6. I, too thought that the animals might be associated with the persons portrayed. Or maybe they're being footwarmers -- it must get chilly up there in the long winters. :-)
    Like Evelyn, I have a brass rubbing but it's of a woman with dragons on her robe. An "unknown lady of quality" from a church in East London.


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