01 April 2017

Spring mornings in the vineyard

It's April 1. I find myself hoping that April will be as mild as the last part of March has been. But you know what they say in France: En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil... Don't put your winter clothes away yet.

The forecast for the next ten days is encouraging. There's hardly any rain in it at all. That means we'll feel the need to do a lot of work in the yard and garden. And green leaves will soon appear on all the grapevines around us. By the end of April, we'll have brought the new puppy home.


  1. Ma cabane préférée mais il faudrait dire à Bruno Denis de refaire le toit .Bonne journée

    1. La rouille, c'est de la couleur locale.

    2. Je pense qu'à l'origine,Thierry, "votre" cabane était couverte de tuiles. Pour éviter la rouille, il faudrait mettre de la "tôle" ondulée en fibre de verre qui est moins chère que la tuile.

  2. Il faut écouter "La rouille" de Maxime Le Forestier .

    1. Je connais très bien cette chanson et je l'aime beaucoup.

  3. Ah puppy! Life as Callie knows it will change forever! It will be fun. We have a friend getting a golden puppy later this month too.

    1. Any advice on making sure the two dogs get off to a good start?


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