15 August 2023

Terrasse bis

I mean the terrace at the château de Saint-Aignan, of course. Here is one more panorama (a stitch) and five detail shots. I took them in June 2006. The château is about a mile and a half from our house. It's built on a promontory so there are views over the town and the river. Only the terrace is open to the public. The château is privately owned and lived in. I hope it will be opened up to the public one day.


  1. What did you learn from comment moderation? Personally, I was surprised I couldn’t check my comment.
    Do you think fewer people will comment if there is moderation? Does Blogger have an “edit” feature? So many questions, so little time!

    1. I learned that turning on comment moderation wouldn't achieve the result I wanted, which was to once again receive all the comments as an e-mail. I don't really like comment moderation, but I turn it on to send me comments on posts that are more than two weeks old so that I'm sure to see those. Unfortunately, there is no edit feature for comments in Blogger.

  2. C’est un château qui est fait de bric et de broc!

  3. Navré d’apprendre les problèmes que tu as eus avec Blogger. Comme je dis souvent, ce sont les joyeusetés de l’électronique. Mais quand on prépare un billet, c’est horripilant. Hope everything is back on track. Bon courage!

  4. Yes, it would be so neat to look around inside. I would hate living there now though.

  5. Beautiful chateau.

  6. I like the Renaissance wing. Yes, it would be nice to be able to tour inside the chateau!

  7. Maybe one day, when the next generation takes ownership of the place, they will open up the château to the public. Some think that they should turn the place into a hotel.

    1. A hotel would be interesting!

    2. With a shuttle to Beauval?

    3. There are already shuttles to Beauval from central Saint-Aignan and from the train station over in Noyers.

  8. I think it would make an excellent hotel.


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