11 June 2023

Stained glass at Bourges

The Michelin green guide says says that the cathedral in Bourges posesses l'une des plus riches collections de vitraux de France. Michelin gives the city of Bourges three stars. It also gives the cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges itself, as well as the vitraux (stained-glass windows) inside it, three stars. Here's a link to a lot more information about the windows. I hope you'll be able to open it. It's a WikiWand link. And here are some of my photos.

We had just a few sprinkles of rain yesterday, after predictions that we'd get much more. The rain gauge has about 8 mm (a third of an inch) of water in it. It's not enough. Anyway, I'm on the mend. My ribs hurt still when I cough or sneeze, but the pain is less intense.


  1. Oh, I love that medieval stained glass :)
    Glad to know that you're mending... wish you had gotten more rain. Darn it!

  2. Magnificent stained glass. Glad you’re on the mend.


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