15 June 2023

Le palais Jacques Cœur à Bourges

After the cathedral, the other major landmark in Bourges is the Palais Jacques Cœur, an hôtel particulier (a mansion) that was built in the 15th century. Jacques Cœur was the king's treasurer back when Bourges was a ville royale. He was a wealthy merchant and adventurer who was king Charles VII's money man. His Gothic-style hôtel is his legacy and is open to the public. Here are some of the photos our friend Cheryl took there in 2003.

The palais Jacques Cœur was built and decorated in the flamboyant Gothic style.

Above, la cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Bourges

A statue of Jacques Cœur on the left, and a bas-relief of one of his ships on the right


  1. This town/city has everything! Beautiful.

  2. That Jack guy must have paid himself well lol.


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