04 June 2023

Le Jardin de Marthe

June in past years was a lot like May in past years. I took a lot of pictures of flowers. On 11 June 2009, CHM and I went to visit his friends Pierre et Marthe in the little town where they lived, just about an hour south of Paris. Marthe had a most fantastic flower garden. According to the timestamp on the 130 or so photos I took that day, we spent not much more than an hour in the garden. Pierre passed away a few years ago, and I don't know if Marthe is still living in that same house, or even still living at all.

This morning I just randomly started looking through some of my June photos from years past and found these. I've searched my blog, but I can't find any evidence that I ever posted any of these before. We had a very busy summer in 2009, and I guess the photos I took in Marthe's garden got lost in the shuffle. I processed about 25 of them this morning, and I'm posting just the six above today.


  1. Upper right with the iridescent beetle and the one with the dragon fly are incredible. You have a knack for capturing flowers with insect visitors/ poseurs. Curiosity and the cat is also nice.

  2. You can even make a Japanese beetle look good ;-) Love the cat.

  3. Great pictures, thank you!

  4. Photo #1 - Liatris I believe, #2 - ??? #3 - la libellule ! #4 Pavot? ou Coquelicot peut-être? #5 Nigella - une de ma favorite! #6 - Etranger fleur pour moi!! Mais mignon.


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