06 April 2019

Une promenade à Brioude le jour du marché

We were in the Auvergne town of Brioude (pop. 6,700) on Saturday, March 9, 2019 — four weeks ago today. After finding a place to park the car, we walked around looking for the church. It wasn't visible from the part of town we were in, which was along the main north-south boulevard. We walked around and saw a lot of people who seemed to be either coming from (full shopping bags or baskets) or headed toward (empty bags or baskets) the town's open air-market. Walt said the church was bound to be near the streets or place (square) where the market was set up, so we walked with the empty-basket people toward the market. And there was the church.

This slideshow is made up of a dozen images and runs for less than one minute before looping.

After walking around the church building and taking turns going inside to see it while the other of us waited out in the street with the dog (it was windy and chilly, typical March weather), we walked over to the market to buy some cheese. We were successful, finding an excellent cheese vendor on the large, uncrowded market square, but we didn't try to walk through the narrow streets that seemed to be the center of the action — not with Tasha on her leash. There were just too many people. Oh well. It was getting to be time to hit the road for the long drive home to Saint-Aignan anyway.


  1. Interesting little town. I can almost taste the cheeses!

  2. Another great slideshow...one of your best albeit short.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. I don't want to post slideshows that seem interminable.

  3. Ahhh, great name for that Librairie!

    1. The street where we parked, in front of the boucherie in the slideshow, was on the boulevard Vercingétorix.


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