14 June 2024

Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe paintings

Below are a few more pictures of the paintings inside the church at Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe. I don't have a lot to blog about right now, but I want to continue. I've posted photos of, and stories about, Saint-Savin several times over the years, including in February this year on the occasion of Charles-Henry's death.

I'm not sure, but I think my vision is a little clearer today than it was yesterday or the day before. I just wish that my right eye, the one that was operated on, was better. It makes me wonder if I should have had the cataract operation now or if I should have waited until later. My vision seems unchanged. I have a follow-up appointment with the ophthalmologist next Wednesday 6/19. I'll talk to him about whether or not I should go ahead and have my right eye done. Maybe the whole situation will have changed by the time I talk to him.


  1. You are expecting too much, too soon.
    When Pauline had her cataracts done, it was almost a fortnight before things "settled down" but her eyesight was way better... and she had no need for distance vision glasses.....
    so, fret not Ken... they will improve!!

  2. I sure hope you are right. All the best to Pauline and to you. Thanks.

  3. Ken, I bet that if they scheduled you already for the second eye's cataract surgery, then they must know that you'll have good vision in this recently-operated eye, by then. But, I've not had it done, so I don't know, and I sure it must be disconcerting to have your vision impaired right now! Hang in there. It sounds like others with first-hand or second-hand experience, have good news when they comment :)

    Thanks for that background on CHM yesterday. I imagine that I had read all of that along the way, but hadn't put two and two together to realize how old CHM's father was when he was born!

    1. One time, years ago, I had the audacity to ask CHM: If your father was 64 when you were born, how old was your mother. With a twinkle in his eye, he answered after a short pause, 22. He was making fun of me for being indiscret.

  4. The paintings are amazing. I had the same feelings about my operation as you, maybe I should have waited, maybe my eyesight wasn't bad enough, etc. I never experienced a dramatic difference before and after- maybe a little less blur. Still I wish I'd done the second eye two weeks later so that I didn't have to change my glasses' prescription twice. We never know what's down the road at our age, so we need to just do what we can to lessen the hassle.


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