06 June 2024

More Étretat pictures

Below, you see the beach at Étretat, and there's Walt with Collette in the car we had rented for the trip.

Quoting the Michelin Green Guide for Normandy, which I happen to have in English:

“Étretat, now an elegant resort, has always had a great reputation because of its setting. The grandeur of the high cliffs and crashing waves is unforgettable whatever the season. It is hardly surprising to learn that the town has inspired many writers, artists, and film directors. Maupassant spent his childhood here... Other famous personalities who helped to establish the reputation of the town included Alexandre Dumas, André Gide, Victor Hugo, Gustave Courbet, Jacques Offenbach and Claude Monet.”

The candy-cane-looking church on the right is in the nearby town of Yport.

Above is Walt with Collette again. I saw the sailboats from the top of the cliff east of Étretat.


  1. étretat is one of my favorite places to see in France and you got some lovely photos the day you were there.

    1. It was a fairly rare sunny day when we went there in June 2003. I've been there several other times over the years.

  2. Never been there but looks like a place I'd enjoy seeing.

    1. There's a lot to see in that area. Honfleur, for example. Trouville. Fécamp. Dieppe. And others.


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