13 June 2024

An afternoon in Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe

It was on June 13, 2009 — exactly 15 years ago today — that my friend Charles-Henry and drove down to the little town called Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe to see the church there. Charles-Henry had spent time there during World War II when his father sent him, his brother, and his mother there for their own protection during the war. I enjoyed the day there and had been there before with Walt. Saint-Savin (pop. approx. 800) is about 90 minutes south of Saint-Aignan by car.

If some of the pictures are a little blurry, maybe it's because my right eye is still blurry. The church in Saint-Savin is famous for its wall paintings and painted ceiling.


  1. I have wondered what CHM's father did during that time, when his wife and children were sent to a safer place to live. Was he in the army? or was he able to continue in whatever his job was, and live in the family home? Were they in Paris (in the apartment CHM would live in, in Paris)?

    1. Charles-Henry's father was born in 1860. He would have been 80 years old in 1940. He was a doctor and I'm sure his services were needed in Paris. The family had friends in Saint-Savin. He sent his wife and two sons there, where they were safe. Charles-Henry was born in his parents' apartment on rue Lecourbe in Paris. His father had lived there since 1882. I don't know when he married CHM's mother, but CHM's brother was born in about 1920, and CHM himself was born in December 1924. Both were born in the apartment. Le Dr Michel died in 1956 at the age of 96. CHM ended living in the apartment for the rest of his life. I don't know what's going to happen to the place now. I'm not really involved at this point.

  2. The pictures are very clear and your vision will be too, very soon.


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