23 June 2024

Poitiers : l'église Notre-Dame-la-Grande

After our stops at Chauvigny and at the château de Touffou back in July 2006, Charles-Henry and I drove on Poitiers, a town I had only seen once before, briefly (in 1989). The main thing we saw and took pictures of was the church called Notre-Dame-la-Grande. According to the Michelin Green Guide for the Poitu region, it has one of the most famous façades in France, dating back to the 12th century.

The Michelin guide also calls this church shows off la perfection de l'art roman, par son architecture harmonieuse, aux lignes équilibrées.


  1. The wooden door is wonderful!

  2. Oh, my goodness! Somehow, this one has escaped me... I so wish that I had taught about it in my Cathedrals unit! I would love to have seen this one in person. And, I've been to Poitiers!
    Thanks so much for showing this to us today, Ken... and... wow... that door!

  3. So beautiful!


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