14 February 2024

More of Charles-Henry's grandfather's paintings

My friend Charles-Henry's grandfather was a painter who lived from 1817 to 1905. His name was Charles-Henri Michel and he was born in a little village in Picardy, just a few miles north of the town of Péronne. That's where Charles-Henry and I went in July 2010. He rented an SUV that we filled up with paintings, engravings, and other artwork and we drove up to the town of Péronne in the Somme département to leave everything up to the town museum. I had never been to that part of France before, except maybe to pass through on a train.

This is the church in the village called Fins, north of Péronne.

Actually, there are two villages right next to each other that figure in the Michel family's history — Fins and Sorel. The Michels were originally from Sorel, but moved to Fins early on. The house in Fins where the painter Charles-Henri Michel lived has a plaque on it. In fact, it's not actually the same house because the original one was destroyed in World War I. Another house was built later on the site, and that newer house has the plaque on it.

In the church hangs this painting by Charles-Henri Michel
called La Madone des anges (1859).

The painter Charles-Henri lived for most of his adult life in Paris. His son, Paul Michel, father of my friend Charles-Henry, was a well-known doctor who born in 1860 in Paris. Paul Michel also had another son who was born in Paris. But when CHM first contacted his Picardy cousin, the mayor of the village of Sorel, by e-mail, the cousin wrote back and said: "I'm intrigued by your name. Would you by any chance be related to ‘our painter’ — notre peintre ?" He and Charles-Henry had never met before.

Ecce Homo, by Charles-Henri Michel, dates from 1904,
when the painter was 87 years old.

In the church in Fins there are three paintings by Charles-Henry's grandfather. The mayor was a distant cousin of Charles-Henry's — they trace their lineage back to a common ancestor, Fiacre Michel, in the 1600s — was able to get the key to the church in Fins so that we could go see and take pictures of the grandfather's paintings. The mayor of Fins, a farmer, was busy harvesting his crops and not available to greet us.

This painting is titled
Vision de sainte Thérèse d'Avila (ca. 1900).

The old church in Fins was also destroyed during the Great War of 1914-18 and a new church was built subsequently. Péronne and the surrounding villages and countryside were in the middle of the WWI battlefields. The area is the valley of the Somme River. The Germans invaded it, and French, British, and Australian forces tried to push them back, or at least defend the rest of France from invasion. The Americans arrived later. Australian forces were the ones who actually "liberated" the Péronne area toward the end of the war.

The interior of the church in Fins

CHM has now donated hundreds of drawings, engravings, and paintings to the museum of the little city of Péronne nearby, where his grandfather and other family members are buried. Many are the work of his grandfather, and many others the work of his uncle — his father's brother — who was a pastellist. In going through all the things stored in his apartment in Paris, which the family has lived in since the 1880s, he also discovered other documents that the museum was excited about having.

Ecce Homo hangs over the altar in the church

There was, for example, a photo of a 19th-century Picard writer, Hector Crinon, who was known for his efforts to resuscitate the Picard language — only one other such photo of the man of letters is known to exist. Crinon was to Picardy what Frédéric Mistral was to Provence. CHM also found many letters that his grandfather exchanged with other painters, including one of his mentors, Auguste Dehaussy.

CHM told me he feels a sense of relief and satisfaction knowing that his grandfather's and uncle's artwork is "in good hands" — in museums, in other words, and no longer in storage in his apartment. The family heritage will be preserved and the historical record augmented.


  1. I don’t know what to say other than, Thank you for sharing this history with us!

  2. The church is beautiful. It's good the paintings weren't destroyed in the war.

    1. I don't know the story behind the survival of the paintings. Maybe they were hidden away somewhere and not longer in the old church at Fins when it was destroyed. Or maybe they were in Paris, since that is where the painter, Charles-Henri Michel, lived and had his studio. His studio was actually in the St-Germain-des-Prés neighborhood, the painter's grandson told me.

  3. Great post Ken. That must have been an interesting trip for you two. The Ecce Homo painting is quite beautifully done.


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