17 February 2022

Encore une panne

Another breakdown. Last night I noticed that our refrigerator was not as cold as it should be. There was a red warning light on the electronic control panel. Some bread we had in the freezer felt soft. We pushed a lot of buttons and the warning light went off. However, the fridge was still not working this morning. Luckily we had room for a lot of frozen things in the downstairs freezer. I also just summarily put a lot of stuff in the garbage. Now we have to figure out what we're going to do about getting a new fridge. This one is seven years old.

P.S. The man who might be able to repair the fridge is coming over tomorrow afternoon. He also sells appliances and has a model in stock that we are interested in. Tomorrow will be decision day — or not, if he says the old fridge can't be repaired or is not worth repairing. If that's what he says, we'll soon have a new fridge.


  1. Oh dear. The worst part of getting a new appliance is navigating the myriad of products and information to choose the right one. Good luck!

    1. When your fridge conks out, you don't have a lot of time to do research. That makes the process really stressful.

  2. We replaced our nearly 25 yr old Bosch fridge/freezer a couple of months ago. It still worked, but probably wasn't very economical anymore. We picked a fairly unknown Chinese brand: Hayer. The 2-drawer freezer compartment is what mainly attracted me to it. So far we're very pleased with it. https://www.amazon.fr/Haier-HTR3619ENMN-R%C3%A9frig%C3%A9rateur-Cong%C3%A9lateur-cong%C3%A9lateur/dp/B08M9F84DB/ref=sr_1_1? __mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=26F7R3YYGLB5D&keywords=refrigerateur+haier+htr3619enmn&qid=1645096616&sprefix=refrigerator+haier+htr3619enmn%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-1#customerReviews But then, maybe yours can be repaired. Good luck!

    1. Thanks elgee, this afternoon I'll look into different models from that company. The Samsung fridge we are leaning towards has three drawers in the freezer compartment. It is also frost-free.

  3. 7 years is not that old for a fridge....you're lucky if there are things in stock..here they keep talking about supply chain problems

    1. No, 7 years is not a long lifespan at all. I'm taking the shop owner's word for it that she'll be able to deliver the model we want by next Tuesday.

  4. For what it's worth in the possibility of Samsung selection, I have a Samsung fridge with two freezer drawers below. It's about 12 at this point and doing just fine.

    1. We had a Samsung fridge for the first 12 years we lived here. It was great. But since they say appliances in Europe are designed to last about 10 years, we got rid of it and bought the fridge that has now quit running. It's not so easy here to find frost-free refrigerators and freezers. Samsung seems to make good ones.


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