24 February 2016

Sea birds

I've been more busy than ever and I haven't had time to blog. Here are a couple of photos from my afternoon at the beach on Sunday.

There is some chance that life will get back to normal today. Time will tell. Sorry to be mysterious...


  1. Don't apologize....family is more important!!
    Keep well, keep on truckin'

    1. I'm getting things together for another busy day. I have to get going. Meanwhile, we are under an alert for severe weather, including high winds, heavy rains, and tornadoes. Maybe you've all seen video of yesterday's tornadoes in Louisiana, Florida, etc. All that is headed toward eastern North Carolina this afternoon.

    2. By the way, it's 7:25 a.m. here in N.C.


  2. and 7:49 am here in NY State .. Ken .. how long did it take you to sound Southern again ? :) I notice whenever I visit my family, I slip into the soft way of speech .. a lovely sound when you live somewhere else.

    1. As soon as I'm with my mother, sister, and cousins, my voice takes on the accent I grew up with. Walt always said that it comes back even when I'm just on the phone with MA. So I guess I'm both English-French bilingual (more or less) and standard-Southern bi-dialectal (situationally). The Coastal NC dialect is not as soft and smooth as what you hear in Raleigh and other places Upstate, though. It's more of a diphthongy brogue with clear old English features than it is a sweet and pleasant drawl. My mother first learned to speak in Rock Hill, and then came to live at the Coast at the age of 6, so her accent is kind of a mix like mine.

  3. Hope everything will be OK today. Bon courage.

    1. Merci CHM. Le médecin a concocté un régime de comprimés anti-douleur qui semble plus efficace que la morphine qu'on a donnée à Maman lundi soir et hier matin. Donc elle va mieux et a pu se mettre debout et faire quelques pas dans sa chambre d'hôpital hier soir. Aujourd'hui elle sera radiographiée de tous les côtés et de haut en bas. Le médecin espère que ce jeu complet de radios lui permettra de mieux comprendre ce qui provoque de si fortes douleurs, que Maman compare à une attaque à l'arme blanche.

      Et puis ce soir nous serons en vigilance pour un risque de tornades et de vents suffisamment violents pour écorner les cervidés du coin. Des grêlons aussi, avec un peu de (mal)chance, and d'autres phénomènes dangereux. Attention : tout cela va monter par la suite vers le nord et la région de Washington.

    2. Était-ce bien une lithiase urinaire? Les douleurs seraient-elles provoquées par quelque chose d'autre? De toute façon, c'est une bonne chose que le médecin ait pu trouver des médicaments qui aident ta maman à supporter la douleur.

      J'espère qu'il n'y aura pas de dégats en Caroline du Nord. Pour le moment, ici en Virginie, on ne prévoit que de la pluie et des innondations subites.

      I keep my fingers crossed for you and for me!

    3. Finalement, ils ont trouvé des calculs dans le rein, mais pas dans l'uretère, alors l'uretère n'était pas bouché par un calcul. Le médecin ne sait pas ce qui s'est passé. Maman a beaucoup moins de douleur et elle est rentrée à la maison ce matin. On verra...

  4. Ken, I hope your Mom is feeling better and that you and chm dodge the weather that is predicted.

    Those lovely seagulls, that look so freindly and innocent, are experts at grabbing food from beach goers. Don't think about going for a swim til you've finished those fries. I swear they recognize fast food brands by the bags.

    At 64 degrees your water is balmy compared to ours, lol.

    1. The gulls pillage and plunder here too, landing on restaurant tables where they can. They are talented scavengers.

  5. Just read your blog and decided I better go outside and secure a few things. Our weather has been so unpredictable this winter. I actually had the A/C on for a little while this morning! Hopefully the worst of the weather system will peter out. Stay safe!

    Nice photos of the seagulls. I especially like the first one.

    1. Your might be having heavy weather right about now. I just heard thunder outdoors here in Morehead. Good luck to you.

  6. You and your Mom are in our thoughts...sending you strength.

  7. MA sure is a fighter. Wishing the best to both of you.

  8. Just heard on the news about things hitting hard in NC and thought, of course, of you and MA and the whole family. Following your comments with chm... hoping for good outcomes.

    1. Thanks Judy. MA is better today. I hear thunder so some kind of storm is approaching right now. Ooh, now I hear very heavy rain falling.

  9. Thinking of you and your mama and everyone in North Carolina tonight .. including my brother and his family , Nothing like the added tension of a hurricane to make a visit interesting .. oui ? ..

    1. Oui, c'est vrai. We might get a tornado, but not a hurricane in this season (normally). We are hunkering down.


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