27 December 2011

The verdict

The restorative powers of Guinea Fowl Soup are real. I can affirm that. Last night I slept "on both my ears" — j'ai dormi sur mes deux oreilles, as they say in French — for the first time in a week. No clogged sinuses, no coughing.

Soup seen through fogged-up glasses

In the broth made from simmering the carcass in water and white wine, cook some celery, carrots, onions, and rice, and at the end add some of the Guinea fowl meat, shredded. Even if you're not suffering from a cold, you'll feel better after you consume this soup. And it's a good idea to breathe in the steam rising from a piping hot bowl of the soup as you eat it.


  1. Glad you are feeling better. I am going to use that, slept on both ears.

  2. Just like Andrew, I'm glad you recovered after having that wonderful Guinea hen soup. Now that your feeling better, keep it that way, that's an order.

  3. Ken, I'm glad you're better. The soup did it.

    However, I caught your cold. I didn't know it was possible to catch a cold over the internet, but I don't know anybody else with a cold at the moment, so it must be you. Can you fax me some soup?

  4. LOL Carolyn, hope the faxed soup help asap.
    Glad you're feeling better now, Ken. That soup looks delicious.

  5. So glad you're feeling better. And, yes, sometimes the best part of soup when you have a cold is just breathing in the steam.

  6. I join the chorus in being glad to know of the restorative powers of your Guinea Hen soup. It looks yummy!


  7. Good food fixes EVERYTHING! I'm so glad you're better.

    Two of my best friends don't care what they eat. I really don't get it.

  8. I can't remember the last time my sinuses didn't bother me at night. Glad to see you're recovering.

  9. Of course you can catch a cold over the internet... it is a virus after all!


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