11 November 2012


Not many words today. Just some photos I took yesterday at sunset.

Stepping out of the back gate

This is the apparatus for burning vine clippings that I wrote about yesterday.

It had rained during the day.

The colors kept changing minute by minute.

Saturday night spectacle

From about the same spot on Sunday morning...


  1. Wow! Absolutely beautiful shots!

  2. Great pictures Ken... that last shot's an absolute corker!!
    Blazing sky, nice reflection in the puddle, path that leads your eye into the picture... a real competition winner... it'd make a nice card too!

    The burner is more sophisticated than the one I see... a real touch of re-"cycling" this one... sort of Blazing Saddles... mine looks like the marriage of half a 40 gallon barrel and an old pre-war pram. In fact the barrel was probably added when the body of the pram rusted away!

  3. Really fabulous phots! For me, the first one is the pick of them, but they are all superb.

  4. I guess your photos disprove the old adage: Red sky at night, sailor's delight

  5. Thanks for sharing your beautiful sunset photos.

    That burner has an interesting design- one pix is worth a thousand words, non?

  6. Wow! Gorgeous photos!

    Hey, Ken, I've been meaning to tell you that the cheese my student used in her Tartiflette this year was Meunster... and it was delicious! It melted beautifully, too.

  7. Ken

    You outdid yourself yesterday :-)
    They are sooooo beautiful.

  8. You certainly have the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Beautiful shots!

  9. Love the vine-burning apparatus; I was curious, and the pictures are tremendously evocative!! Thank you.

  10. You guys get some really great sunsets.

  11. My comment must now read... that second from last shot... wasn't this morning miserable... not a nice way to remember the fallen!

  12. ooohhh, and by the way, the vine burning apparatus? C'est un "brouette de vigneron" pour les sarments....I JUST ran across this while reading the November chapter in "A Year In Provence", imagine that!!! It is described just as your picture shows....


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