27 February 2025

Une pause

I don't have any food photos this morning. So I'm taking a break. Today Walt will be doing the shopping and cooking.
Meanwhile, I was looking back at posts from 10 years ago and found this one. It's the car we bought in 2015, a Citröen C4 model. It's hard to believe it's been 10 years already. I bought it used for about six thousand dollars. It was six years old and had about 60 thousand miles on the odometer at the time. It's done quite a few road trips over the intervening years, and all have been successful except the last one, when the clutch failed. It turned out to be an easy and not very expensive repair, considering the vehicle's age — not bad for a 16-year-old car. Of course, we also still have our 2003 Peugeot, which is going strong as well, and looks good. It's 25 years old now.

In other news, I twisted my other knee the other day in an another walking-the-dog accident. The resulting sprain was not as severe as the one I suffered about six weeks ago, and the pain is already going away. So is my cold, which I've had for since January 20th or so. At this point, it might qualify as a bout of bronchitis. I haven't had any fever, and the cough is nearly finished now. If spring ever comes, I think I'll get a completely better pretty fast. We're still getting a lot of rain... last night and since Monday, for example.

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