26 February 2025

Boulettes suédoises

Yesterday's cooking adventure was Swedish meatballs. I had made them before (years ago), but this time I read about making about them on a website called Serious Eats that I'd found. The advice was good and the meatballs were better than before. Incidentally, I found a second a trick on the main website posted by a commenter, and that one was was a keeper too.

One tip has to do with the meat you should use to make the meatballs. It should be a 2 to 1 mixture of ground beef to ground pork. A lot of other recipes call on using equal amounts and beef and pork. I used a pound of ground beef and one-half of ground ground pork. Here's a link to the Serious Eats website.

The other tip has to do with cooking the meatballs. Instead of frying them in a pan on the stove or baking them in oven, it would be better to cook them in a air fryer. We made three dozen meatballs which, after browning in the air fryer, we cooked in a béchamel sauce made with beef broth and cream.


  1. I look at that website regularly - also this one - https://food52.com/ and my favorite for budget cooking - https://www.budgetbytes.com/

    1. And I forgot this one - https://www.thekitchn.com/

  2. Thanks for the tips. Your Swedish meatballs look delicious.

  3. Those look wonderful, and freeze and reheat wonderfully.

  4. I bet they were delicious.Thanks for the website information.

  5. I am very glad for this recipe, and these tips! I'd like to make this.
    I sometimes make stuffed (red bell) peppers, and used to make the meat mixture with just beef for the meat, but the last couple of times, I did that same 2-1 ratio with Italian sausage, and it gave it much more flavor. I've started doing that for my meatloaf, too... much more flavor.


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