15 February 2025

The shutters, the house, the yard, the neighborhood...

We enjoyed a rare sunny day yesterday, with an afternoon high temperature of about 50ºF. As a result, there was no cloud cover overnight, and this morning the temperature outside is just below freezing. The good news is that we're supposed to have another sunny day.

Above are a couple of shots of our house and some of our new shutters. They are solar-powered roll-down shutters. Push-button shutters are great.The black strip on the top left corner of each window is the photovoltaic converter that sends power to the shutters. On the right just above is a shot of our back yard, with its linden tree, two apple trees, and a garden shed that is slowly being taken over by ivy. I took the photo yesterday afternoon. No fog for a change...

Above left is a shot of the north side of our house, with its small window into the loft space over the living room (with the big window) and with, now, a new solar-powered shutter upstairs.

This is a photo of our Blois neighbors' house-in-the-country. It's just across the street from our place. The neighbors are supposed to be here this weekend but so far no sign of them. I hope everything is okay.


  1. Glad you got some sunshine! Those shutters are so cool.

  2. Nice shots! So great to see the sunshine :) I know you'll be happy with those solar-powered stores... excellent!

  3. So happy you finally had sun yesterday. Nice looking shutters.

  4. Blue skies smilin' at me, nothing but blue skies do I see...


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