21 March 2025


We are confined not to quarters but to our property, unless there is a compelling reason to leave it. Blame the weather. One chore I would really like to get done is emptying the greenhouse. All the plants and especially all the junk needs to go outdoors so that I can clean the inside. But there is still a risk of frost and some plants might not survive outdoors. On top of that, most of the plants that have spent the winter outside need to be repotted.

The primrose bloom in our yard and hamlet is nearing its peak right now. I can't stop taking pictures of them because the colors are good for my eyes and my morale.

The grass really needs to be mowed, but the ground is still squishy and soft. With the rain predicted for this week, we'll still have plenty left to do when April comes.

The plant above is one that my mother had growing in her back yard in North Carolina until she sold the house in 2005. Back then, I took some cuttings and brought them to Saint-Aignan, where I put them in a pot. The plant comes back every year but now really needs a bigger pot. On the left, our cars won't be getting much of a workout this spring. Blame the weather. Mostly they get short trips to one of our two nearby supermarkets.


  1. When I read the first sentence, I scrolled back up to see the date of the post, thinking that you must be re-posting a 2020 post from during the lockdown. Why are you confined to your property?

    1. It's because there's so much work to be done inside and outside the house. And the lousy weather has discouraged us from looking for a gîte to rent in another part of France and going on a car trip. All we can do is make good food and work in the house, as well as working in the yard whenever the rain stops for a few minutes. Having this cold that has lasted more than two months doesn't help.

    2. Mary in Oregon21 March, 2025 17:44

      Sometimes it feels good to even go on a short, one-day or afternoon, tourist trip! I heard for the second time recently about a company about an hour's drive from here that is having a Dutch Bulb Event with hot-air balloon rides, food, dancing and that sort of thing! I'm thinking if my daughter and her boyfriend aren't interested i will ask other friends about joining me for a brief outing. You might want to consider that just as a chance for a change of scenery!

    3. I like Mary's ides! If you lived back in the states you could go to a town hall to protest like I am doing this afternoon lol. Maybe there is a village you've never visited. Tasha would like some new smells, too.

  2. I always enjoy seeing the primula primroses as well!


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