17 October 2024

One last walk around Mortagne-au-Perche

I guess I'm posting too many pictures these days. Too many in the same post, in other words. The dilemma is, how many photos are enough? how many are not enough? It's like the old saw about letter-writing. I wanted to write you a short letter, but I didn't have time. So here's a long one. I don't have time to choose which pictures to post and which to put back in the archives. So I post too many... maybe. You can enlarge the ones you find interesting. You can just scroll through the others.

This morning, I thought I might have to break down and see if I could figure out why Blogger wouldn't work with Firefox any more. That might require a day's work or two day's work. Or I might never figure it out. Then, a hour ago, I started up Firefox for the day, opened the Blogger app, and everything worked the way it had until a few days ago. Somebody at Google fixed some bug while I wasn't looking, I guess. I'm glad I hadn't started messing with it.

So here are some more pictures that I took in Mortagne. It's amazing how there are no people in all these photos. Where were all of the nearly four thousand people who live in Mortagne? Hiding from me and my camera? Oh, that's my American friend Evelyn in one of the photos below. Enjoy.

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