27 October 2024

Deux bons résultats

Some bullet points today, covering the week's news.

  • We had a couple of small victories this past week. The first had to do with our 24-year-old Peugeot 206 "runabout" car. I love the car and will hate to have to give it up one day. It's a lot of trouble to go out and find another quality used car to buy. (I can't justify the expense of a new car.) Anyway, I dreaded having to take the Peugeot in for its bi-annual inspection this month. I decided not to have anything, not even an oil change, done to the car before its contrôle technique (technical inspection or MOT), which is a very detailed and thorough inspection required by the government. If the technician found problems, I'd have four months to get them fixed. I took it in for inspection on Monday morning. Well, once again the car passed inspection with flying colors. Now I'll have to have our other car (a Citroën C4) inspected before mid-December. I'll probably do the same thing with that one. Just take it in and hope for the best.
  • On Wednesday I had my final appointment with the ophthalmologist who performed cataract surgery on my eyes in June and in September. He said everything has healed now and he judged the results of the operation to be good. He had me do the standard eye test — read the letters, you know. I told him again that I was a little bit disappointed that the vision in my right eye, the weak one, wasn't better. The left eye is great. He said new corrective lenses would take care of the right-eye problem. I was skeptical. He tested me again, showing me the vision I would have with that eye once I got the new prescription and new glasses. We ran through 6 or 7 different lenses without any good results. Then he tried one final lens and voilà ! suddenly I could see the letters clearly. Now I'm optimistic that my vision compared to what it was six months ago will soon be far better, once I get the new lenses and glasses from an optical shop.
 Now it's time to get into the kitchen and cook that cauliflower for lunch.


  1. Good news about the Peugeot and your eyes. I hope the Citroen fares well, too.

  2. Great news all around! Happy for you.


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