Yesterday Walt posted a photo of part of our hedge after all of it had been pruned back. Here are two photos I took of the long section of the hedge that runs along the road on the south side of our property — one from out back and one from inside the house. You can see that it really needed to be pruned. What you can't see is all the honeysuckle and blackberry vines that were cut out of it. In total, the hedge is about 500 feet (150m) long. It's also very wide and a lot of it is very tall.
And here are two photos of our lunch yesterday. I bought this very fresh, very big head of escarole (scarole in French) at the supermarket (mug for scale). It will make us salads for days. If it starts to wilt, I will cook it as greens or as a soup. Yesterday's salad, with a Caesar-style dressing, was served with diced bacon, hard-boiled eggs, and steamed new potatoes. Not to mention French bread and red wine.
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