10 June 2024

Time out and time off

The anesthésiste I had an appointment with up in Blois last week told me I would be conscious during the whole cataract operation. She also said I would be given a mild sedative to make sure I will feel calm and comfortable during the procedure.

I hope the doctor will give me a transparent eye covering like Evelyn got so that I will be see with the operated eye right away. Actually, the only time I need an eye covering is when I'm in bed. If I can, I will continue blogging, but maybe not tomorrow. A taxi is coming to pick me up at 8:30 tomorrow morning, and I'll be pretty busy getting things together and taking a special pre-operation shower.

One thing I don't know is how long I'll be kept at the hospital. I imagine they'll give me lunch. The taxi driver will bring me back to Saint-Aignan sometime in the afternoon. My complementary insurance will cover the cost of the taxi. I've been putting a drop of one of the prescribed eyedrops into my right eye four times a day since Saturday. Starting Wednesday I'll have a course of two different eyedrops, one that I'll use four times a day for two weeks, and then twice a day for another week. I'll use another type of eyedrop twice a day for two weeks as well, along with the other one.

And then two weeks from tomorrow I'll have the other eye done. Rinse and repeat, as it were.


  1. I'm sure it will go well. I'm likely to have a cataract operation in the next few months ... the cataract being a side effect of the retina re-attachment surgery I had a year ago. The cataract started showing up before Xmas, but the surgeon doesn't want to rush back into the eye too quickly.

  2. All the best to you, Mike. I'll be glad when all this is over.

  3. Relax and take care of yourself.

  4. We'll all be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping all goes well. Take it easy for now.

    1. I'm trying. I am less stressed as time goes by.

  5. Yes Ken, hope all is easy and goes well. I'm sure it will be my turn in a bit!

  6. Mary in Oregon10 June, 2024 20:04

    Unfortunately, two years ago I decided to find a new Opthamologist. After my appointment with her last December, I was surprised to receive a letter in early Spring announcing my doctor was no longer going to be practicing in my area! Your surgery reminds me I cannot put off finding a replacement. I need to do that so I will be comfortable and have a relationship with the new doctor so when I need to have cataract surgery, I will not be anxious. I know how important it is to have faith and confidence in the surgery so I can be relaxed and let my body accept it without any anxiety on my part. I am not 'good' with eye drops - I am a little nervous about that!

    My thoughts will be with you, tomorrow, Ken. The taxi ride should be a fine way to start your day. No traffic or construction to be concerned about! What a terrific benefit for you.

    1. Thank you, Mary. We are having slmilar issues with finding a good dentist — a dentist we feel we can trust.

  7. As you know, I had two cataract surgeries 2 years ago last month, and they were successful. It seems like the daily drops make the healing go slowly, and that may be the worst of it. We hope all goes well because the benefits of the procedures are enormous, i.e., being able to read more than 5 minutes without the eyes watering over and much improved nighttime driving. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and in the weeks ahead.


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