01 June 2024

Milestones, passports, and plants

It's June 1. Today is the 41st anniversary of Walt's and my life together as a couple. We met in Paris in September 1981, We both returned to the U.S. in 1982. We got an apartment together in Washington DC in 1983. We moved to California in 1986 and lived there for 17 years. We sold our house in San Francisco and moved to Saint-Aignan in France in 2003. We've been here for 21 years now. That's longer than either one of us has ever lived in one place in our lives.

My new U.S. passport arrived yesterday. The renewal process was fraught and stressful, but now it's done. It took weeks to figure it out and I waited a month for the new passport to be delivered after I sent in the application. I'm glad I started early. The expiration date on my old passport was December 4, 2024.


  1. Congratulations - lots of happy memories I guess, and great that your passport has arrived. And breathe. Have a good weekend and I hope the sun comes out!

  2. Happy Anniversary!

  3. Congratulations! Hope you've got some dry sunny weather to celebrate.

  4. Congratulations on your 41st anniversary. Wishing you much joy in married life!

  5. Besides the greetings for your anniversary : one of the next questions is: So...what are you fixing for dinner?!!!

  6. You’re doing ok chaps - we have enjoyed reading your blogs for many years. Very best wishes to you both.

  7. Happy Anniversary and best wishes .
    Linda from Alabama

    1. Thanks to you all for the congrats and good wishes.


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