20 June 2024

Chauvigny: ruins and rooftops

Chauvigny (pop. 7,000) is a very old town just 10 miles west of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe and 15 miles east of the bigger town of Poitiers (pop. 90,000). Chauvigny's old town, built on a rock outcropping, is the site of several châteaux and ruins. Views from the old town over the rooftops of the newer town below are panoramic and picturesque. The church in the old town is dedicated to saint Pierre and was built in the 11th century.

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depending on what kind of device you are using.

I had an appointment with my ophthalmologist yesterday day over in Montrichard. He said my right eye, which he operated on on June 11, has healed nicely. Everything looks normal. He predicted that over time my vision will get clearer, especially after I have the cataract surgery done on my left eye. He said I'll still need glasses for reading small type or doing close work, but that I should be able to drive, read my computer screen, and watch television without needing corrective lenses. The surgery on the left eye is now scheduled for early September (at my request). I'm having pollen allergies right now that make my eyes teary and contribute to my blurry vision.


  1. That’s great news about your eyes. I’m am having my first one today 🤞

  2. Wow, that is great about your vision. I didn't realize that cataract surgery could correct vision to the point of not needing glasses for distance anymore. Sorry about your pollen issues!

    1. Judy, it depends on the lens that’s implanted. I chose the lens that lets me see near and far without glasses. I had both eyes done about ten years ago and still have perfect vision for reading and driving.

    2. BettyAnn, that option was not offered up in Blois. I could only get the lens for seeing far, not close.

    3. Ahh, I see, said the blind man.

  3. I had no idea that you could choose the lens - wow that's great.

  4. Sounds like a good plan.

    1. Part of my rationale for postponing the cataract operation on my left eye that pollen allergies are so bad right own that I can't tell what is causing my blurry vision.


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