27 June 2024

Repairs completed

Our roofing contractor declared his work complete yesterday just before noon. Here's what the dormer looks like now. I was surprised when I looked at it yesterday and realized that the sheet-metal valley liner was not visible at all. I imagined it would be visible, but it's completely covered by the roof tiles. It looks exactly like it looked before. I guess thats a good thing.

Now we'll wait for rain. I'm not going to climb up there; it's just too steep and dangerous. The photo on the left is a close-up of the noue. I took both of these photos about 15 minutes ago.


  1. The repair looks really good.

  2. Looks good.

  3. It's great to get things taken care of :)

  4. William Schmitt27 June, 2024 15:52

    If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well….


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