16 June 2024

Antigny, près de Saint-Savin

Just four kilometers south of Saint-Savin (département de la Vienne) is a village called Antigny with a 12th century church, Notre-Dame de l'Incarnation. Like the church in Saint-Savin, its walls are painted. The wall paintings at Antigny date back to the 14th century and were uncovered only in 1991; they had been painted over at some point in the distant past.

I would probably never have known about Antigny if I hadn't been touring around with Charles-Henry. He spent some time in the area during World War II with his mother and brother. He would have turned 20 years old in 1944.


  1. Wish I had seen these. The colors are nice. That last supper is truly odd and modern looking in a way.

    1. That was my impression too, that they look modern in a way.

  2. It is amazing that they are still visible!

  3. Do you suppose they were painted over to protect them during the war(s)?


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