18 June 2024

More Saint-Savin wall paintings

These are photos I took in June 2009, after a major restoration project had been finished in the church at Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe. Charles-Henry was visiting, and we drove down there with our friends Susan and Simon to see the result and to take some pictures.


Rumblings of thunder woke me up this morning at about 4 a.m. The distant lightning kept me awake. After nearly an hour of tossing and turning, I realized that Tasha was afraid and wanted to jump up on the bed. That was fine. Then I decided I had to get up even though it wasn't yet five o'clock. I knew I wasn't going back to sleep. Lightning was getting closer and closer. The thunder was much louder. Rain poured down for maybe 20 minutes, and then the storm moved off to the north of us.


  1. I would have had to get up, too. When we lived in the midwest for 15 years, it was always scary for me to hear the lightning knowing that there could be tornados coming - not just loud noises and rain. Glad you only had a short while until the storm found another locale.

    1. It was a relief that the hard rain here didn't last long. I too remember the tornadoes from when I lived in Illinois. And we had a lot of hurricanes in North Carolina.


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