17 May 2023

Bugs on flowers

On some of these photos, you have to look closely to find the bug. On others it is pretty obvious. I'm using "bug" in the loose American and Canadian sense of the word: any small arthropod that looks sort of like an insect. In British and scientific English, "bug" is the name of a specific order of insects: Hemiptera, the true bugs — "insects that have piercing–sucking mouthparts," says the Wikipedia article on the subject.


  1. The bug is well hidden behind the stamen in the first photo. Le #5 n’est pas un gendarme; une punaise?
    With or without bugs the flowers are beautiful.

    1. Thank you for the interesting link. According to it, this bug is not a “gendarme” but a soldier (soldier beetle).

  2. No kidding? there's an actual category of insect that's called bug? We learn something new here every day. Great close up photos, Ken.

  3. If I were a bug, I'd definitely like to hang out in the middle of a flower. In this case probably those pink roses.


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