24 July 2024

More about Vierzon, and about a mirror

Vierzon is not considered to be a glamorus or picturesque town. Even the town's official website describes it mainly as a place that has three autoroutes nearby and that is known as a railway hub. Vierzon has an industrial past and suffered a lot of damage during World War II.

Still, Vierzon [vyer-zõ] has beautiful features and neighborhoods. It's known as a town where an important part of the economy is the local porcelain factories, which is second only to Limoges in this part of France. As Charles-Henry used to say: Tout est à voir en France. There's something to see everywhere you go.

So here are a few more photos of Vierzon. What else is going on here? Well, two days ago I was on my way to the supermarket when suddenly the interior rear-view mirror fell almost into my lap. It was glued to the windshield, but after nearly 24 years of bon et loyal service, the glue failed.

I went to see my mechanic yesterday and was told that they couldn't repair it. They said I might have to have a new windshield put in. They also pointed me toward a local auto body shop (une carosserie) to see if it could repaired there. It can be, I was told. But the man has to order a special kind of glue, which is expensive and classified as a controlled substance. I guess people sniff it. Anyway, I'll go back today and the man who runs the body shop will try to glue the mirror back onto windshield. I hope it works.


  1. Dear Ken, Nothing to do with your lovely photographs but I am just about to cook your recipe for chicken dated 17th July, 2010! I just wanted you to know it is very well loved - particularly at the moment with plenty of fresh herbs. In my folder I have several of your recipes that I frequently use - and Walt's as well for that matter. His rhubarb and strawberry tarts are another favourite! Can we have some more recipes please? It has been a rotten summer here in East Sussex but cooking cheers us up and you have both been inspirational over all these many years. I read both your blogs every morning. With kind regards, Angela

  2. I hope you are able to fix that mirror, simple problems are difficult nowadays. I'm going to look up that chicken recipe.

  3. Holy cow, that's an unusual problem to have...I hope all went well when you brought it in :)

  4. I'm sure that was not something you were expecting during the course of your day! Sounds like it will work out though.


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