03 February 2025

Une galette bretonne

This is also known as a crêpe au blé noir or au sarrasin. Sarrasin and blé noir are The same thing, and it's what we call buckwheat in English.

The crêpe itself is made with buckwheat, milk or water, an egg, and some salt and pepper. This is not the prettiest one we've ever made, but it tasted good. Inside or on the crêpe is a slice of jambon de Paris, a slice of cheese, some pre-cooked mushrooms, and an egg.

Here, in a photo I took in Feb. 2012, is what we hoped yesterday's crêpe au sarrasin would look like, but you don't succeed every time. At least it tasted good.


  1. Replies
    1. We enjoyed it. Leftovers today.

  2. Ken it looks good in both photos.

  3. I think that looks fabulous! That must be a fresh egg from a local chicken farmer!

  4. Wow! My comment was published. The last two days my comment would not be taken!


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