22 April 2021

Fleurs de pommiers

Not far from the Chardonnay vines I blogged about yesterday, I came upon a little apple tree that was covered in blossoms. Apple trees bloom a little later than other fruit trees, and now that the weather has warmed up this tree should produce a good crop. The people who own the land it grows on live in Brittany and haven't been here in more than a year, so I guess we'll get some apples in autumn. Here are the photos, as well as a few quotes and a proverb about pommiers (apple trees) that I found on the internet.

Demander des oranges aux pommiers est une maladie commune. (Gustave Flaubert)

Si on veut des pommes, il faut secouer le pommier. (proverbe bulgare)

Si l'on m'apprenait que la fin du monde est pour demain, je planterais quand même un pommier. (Martin Luther)

The two small trees on the left in this photo are apple trees (in front of the big cedar) and at least one of them is in bloom.

Ce n'est pas parce que je suis un vieux pommier que je donne de vieilles pommes. (Felix Leclerc)

Unfortunately, two of the four apple trees that we used to have in our yard, along with a pear tree, have died over the past couple of years. On a cheerier note, yesterday morning when I was out walking with the dog, I noticed quite a bit of new growth on the vines in a parcel that is planted in Chenin Blanc grapes.


  1. Time to plant a tree or two?
    Beautiful photos, and the proverbs are a fun change of pace.

  2. Lovely flowers aren't they. I also love flowering crabapple trees with their deep pink blossoms. I've been told the fruit can be used for jam. What does the Leclrec quote mean?

    1. Obviously an old apple tree gjves new apples every year, but what is he trying to say? I'm with you here, D. Is he trying to say the same thing as this American axiom, Age is a matter of mind, if you don't mind, it does not matter?

    2. I think he's saying that even when you get old physically, you can still come up with young ideas and fresh thoughts.

    3. Such a nice thought- we old folks can still have new ideas!

    4. Yes, I agree with that, Ken.

  3. Beautiful fruit tree flowers.

    The Christmas tree looks a little tad taller than the cedar and it dwarfs the linden (lime ?) tree.

    I like those "apple" axioms.

  4. The cedar tree on the left is actually a lot taller than the fir tree on the right. The perspective has been warped by the camera lens, I guess.

  5. Such pretty flowers, and good to hear that maybe all is not lost with the vines.

  6. All interesting proverbs and beautiful blossoms :)

  7. Beautiful blossoms. I think I kinda, sorta figured out the quotes without checking a translator.

  8. Merci Ken pour les phrases en français!
    I had 2 crabapples in Wisconsin that we planted, but I never once tried to make jam - yet I knew one could do that. Darn, I should have tried it!

    I like your positive spin on LeClerk's proverb, Ken!

    1. I've never made crabapple jam or jelly, and I'm not even sure I've ever tasted it. Maybe we should plant a crabapple tree. I know there are a lot of them in the gardens at the Hôtel de Ville up in Blois.

  9. We built a traditional Saltbox home in Wisconsin, painted it dark grey with silver grey trim and I chose a vivid red for the front door! I chose two red crabapple trees which we planted to the right and left of the front door.
    The front walkway created a "square" on one side which on of the crabapples was centered. The other was deliniated only by the bed. They grew easily (we bought stock that was perhaps 5 years old). At Christmas time, I put two spotlights in the yard that would shine up at each crabapple (with it's red berries, faux wooden red cardinals that my Father made for me which hung on the branches and the red door! I was very pleased with my choices. If you do go with crabapples, I don't think you will be unhappy.


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