01 May 2014

J'ai faim ! Pas vous ?

It's a rainy premier mai — France's first May holiday. And here I am, sitting here dreading going out for a wet walk with the dog, and realizing I'm hungry. Maybe these old photos of mine with make you hungry too, and make you dream of a nice lunch in France. (Remember, you can click or tap on the images to enlarge them and make yourself even hungrier.)

Un choix d'entrées...

...un plat principal...

...et, bien sûr, un dessert.

Today's going to be a day to stay in, do some organizing and cleaning in the house and on the computer, and make a nice lunch. We'll be having a pasta dish with smoked salmon and vegetables.


  1. Only in France would you find such delights in a window :)
    I don't recognize the names of some of those savory pastries up at the top. What is the one that looks like chicken salad in a pastry cup? Is that the Aumonière??

  2. Fortunately, I had my breakfast before I even looked at this post!

    My Air France flight from Dulles has been cancelled already twice. Still hope to be in Paris tomorrow morning!

    1. I read on a travel forum that the AF pilots and management have resolved 3 of the 4 major issues behind the strike. Good luck!

  3. Oh Ken, I love these photos. Pastries are one of my favorite photographic subjects in France. If I see a well-stocked pastry case, I usually ask for permission and take photos. Some patisseries have an amazing range of pastries. I also take photos each evening of the 2 or 3 pastries I bought for our dessert, some of which my husband even gets to taste.

    People have complained that I have too many photos of pastries. I scoff at that.

    Only 11 days till my first petit pain chocolat.

    1. Carolyn, hope you aren't flying Air France!

  4. CHM

    I read that AF Pilots are planning for strikes:'France’s biggest pilots' union issued a call this week for members to join a month-long strike throughout May because they are unhappy about the rules surrrounding their right to strike. With delays and cancellations expected Air France says the walk-out will threaten its recovery."

    1. Bonjour Cousine,

      I was aware of the strike, but it was supposed to begin only on May 3, so I thought I was safe. Maybe they thought it would be nicer to begin on Labor Day. Friends of mine who were supposed to leave yesterday by the same flight as mine, left without any problem. Right now I have a five hour delay from my original departure time. Hope there won't be any more delays. Keep your fingers crossed! Hope this strike won't impair your own travel plans.

    2. Bonjour CHM

      Hopefully not . We are doing Montreal-Amsterdam -Strasbourg ( KLM and HOP?) since it was cheaper than AF : Montreal to CDG and then TGV to Strasbourg.
      We will have to worry on June 2nd if they continue. It must be a zoo at CDG Terminal 2.

    3. Hopefully there won't be any unattended bags at the Terminal on your travel days. Bon courage et bon voyage!

  5. This reminds me of the windows in Buenos Aires .. I could never understand how the people remained so skinny if they ate this way every day . I will take the one with the most chocolate, thank you veddy much.

  6. Here in California at 1 AM 2 May, the Air France website is saying they will resume normal operations on 3 May. I guess I'd better start paying attention to these notices, as I'm scheduled to fly in mid-June on Air France SFO > CDG > MRS.


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