10 August 2024

Residential Montpoupon

Or exhibition Montpoupon... Here are some of the rooms inside the château. Actually, the first picture below shows what is called le corp de logis (lodgings). It was built, I think, in the 15th century. The second picture below shows the kitchen, which dates back to the 19th, IIRC.

Above, a statue and a sitting room

Finally for today, a bedroom and a painting. Hunting was the thing at Montpoupon. Maybe it still is.


  1. I believe it still is, Susan would know.... I think she has done blog posts on it!

  2. Do you think that F with crown over the fireplace, is for François Ier?

  3. I always enjoy seeing the interiors of these places. I hope to get to see the new Hotel de la Marine museum in Paris, a former storehouse for the king's furniture and art on Place de la Concorde, newly restored.


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