25 July 2023

Oppède -le-Vieux bis

When we went to Provence in 2001, we climbed up a steep cobblestone path to see the church in Oppède-le-Vieux. We also had a look around in the cemetery. These are some photos I took back then.

On the right above is the 13th century church at Oppède. On the right below, you can see the church on the upper left and the ruins of the château to the right of it.

You can also see the church and château in Oppède on this photo that I posted a few days ago.


  1. Oh, I love the way you captured the stones of the building:)

  2. Very interesting church, very modernistic! I’m going to Google it to see the inside.

    1. As-tu trouvé des photos intéressantes de l'intérieur de l'église d'Oppède ?

    2. Oui, mais pour moi, elles sont plutôt décevantes. Les décorations ne sont pas de mon goût. Comme on dit, to each his/her own!


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