14 May 2024

Roasting red peppers in the air fryer

I'm interrupting my Saint-Aignan photo series and posting an air fryer recipe with pictures.

The other day, I made a batch of roasted red peppers using the air fryer. All I had to do was wash four whole red peppers under cold running water and then dry them off with a towel. They fit perfectly in the fryer basket. I cooked them for 7 minutes at 375F. Then I turned them over and cooked them for 7 more minutes at the same temperature.

I repeated that process, using tongs to turn the peppers over so I always had a side of the pepper that hadn't yet been browned or lightly blackened by the the air fryer's hot, fan-blown air facing up. When all four sides of the peppers were browned and the peppers had started to collapse, I turned on the fryer's Keep Warm function and let them sit in the basket for another 7 minutes to make sure the pepper flesh was completely softened and cooked. I then took them out of the air fryer and put them in a bowl to let them cool down.

When they were cool enough to work with, the cooked pepper skins just slipped right off the pepper flesh. I pulled out the stem from each pepper and most of the seeds came out with them. Then I cut each pepper in half and removed the rest of the seeds. I saved all the liquid that was in the bottom of the fryer drawer and in the bowl. I seasoned the roasted peppers with the cooking liquid, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and olive oil.


  1. I'm interested in doing things like this. What will you do with your roasted peppers? Would they make pimento cheese? Your air fryer must be fairly large, mine is small.

    1. Walt made pizzas yesterday with roasted red pepper as one of the toppings. They would make great pimento cheese, and they're good in salads or on sandwiches too.

    2. Here's a list of uses for roasted peppers:

      Roasted red peppers enhance all kinds of dishes—salads, pastas, sandwiches, and more! Have fun experimenting with different ways to use them. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

      Make a sauce or dip. Blend the peppers into hummus, pesto, romesco sauce, or tangy muhammara.

      Load up a pizza. Roasted red peppers are a key ingredient in my favorite veggie pizza recipe.

      Break out the eggs. Add them to scrambled eggs, an omelette, or a frittata.

      Add them to a soup. Roasted Red Pepper Soup, coming right up!

      Toss them into a salad. Their silky texture is fantastic in this Mediterranean Chickpea Salad.

      Serve them as an appetizer. Top them onto crostini with a slather of soft goat cheese, a drizzle of olive oil, and a sprig of fresh basil.

  2. Mary in Oregon14 May, 2024 17:36

    You are definitely a wordsmith, Ken! I still think (if you chose) you could be a TV Chef! Such a vivid description of roasting peppers today. What is the capacity of your Air Roaster - or how is the size described?

  3. Mary in Oregon16 May, 2024 22:47

    That is a long list for me for uses of roasted red peppers!


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