18 February 2023

Février 2003 (11)

My February 2003 trip to France began in Rouen and ended in Paris. On the last day, Feb. 11, I took a long walk around Paris and took pictures. I'm not sure why I went where I did. Maybe I was looking for a specific restaurant for lunch that day. I can't remember. Here are a few pictures from near the place de la Bastille and at the place des Vosges.

Status quo on the health front: no better, no worse. Walt now has no voice. But neither of us has any fever.


  1. I hope you both are better soon. Esta and I went to the Marais on a Sunday in 2021. We found some delicious cheesecake there. Esta is trying to duplicate it but hasn't yet. I remember the time when we went to the Marais together with Marie. Such good memories.

    1. Yes, they are really good memories. We took advantage of the time when we could.

  2. When I see photos of Paris, I sometimes stop and think how wonderful it is that these are familiar scenes, and that Paris is not just mythical, famous place... it's part of my life story :)
    Hope you two continue to feel okay.

    1. I feel the same way, Judy. Just knowing Paris is there comforts me. And I have all these pictures. Maybe I'll get back there again one day.

    2. Paris is just so enthralling! When I have visited each time I just get chills when I walk around and admire all of the beauty! For valentine's I sent photos of patisseries from Mariages-Frères (from their website) to my french classmates in place of us being there together to share in their delights. Memories are so valuable and your photos are very appreciated, Ken. Glad you are improving.

  3. I will never forget the first day of my first trip to Paris coming up out of the Bastille metro, into a brilliant blue sky, and seeing the column shining in the sun. I said, Now I know I’m in Paris!

  4. I hope you both will be much better very soon.

  5. Place des Vosges is a favorite of mine! I can't wait to return!

  6. Hope you guys feel better. Oh Paris, I love the Marche aux Puces Saint Ouen.

  7. La Place de la Bastille et la Colonne de Juillet.
    Le Génie de la Bastille ou de la Liberté dont une chanson dit: “I peut pas, I peut pas sauter d’la colonne, I peut pas sauter jusqu’en bas.”
    La Place des Vosges, la grande sœur de la Place Dauphine, où tant de personages célèbres ont vécu! Ça, c’est Paris! Que de choses à y voir! My home town is waiting for you.
    Your photos bring so many good memories.
    Hope you two feel better very soon.

  8. I'm glad to know you are enjoying the photos. Seeing them again brings me many good memories too. Paris is my "home town" bis. Sometimes I think I had two childhoods — one in North Carolina and the second in Paris when I was in my 20s.


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