08 November 2020

Sault et ses environs

I don't know about you, but I am completely exhausted. It's as if some fever has broken. Some toothache has gone away. I'm just taking today off. Here are some photos of Sault in Provence and the surrounding countryside. Bon dimanche...


  1. Moi aussi! All these days, I've been glued to my tablet looking for the latest information. Fortunately, the wait is over and Donnie the Clown is the loser he's been all his life. Now, the rebuilding of the US standing in the world will begin with Biden. But, he has a lot of pain sur la planche.

    1. Nowadays, "avoir du pain sur la planche" means having a lot of tedious tasks in perspective.

    2. Agreed. I won't miss any of his entire clan.

    3. Hopefully, they'll end up in jail!

    4. I hope the Trump clan doesn't have any more tricks up its sleeves. They may have to drag T45 kicking and screaming from the White House.

  2. I am not American... the only connection to the States is friends & aquaintances..... but I too feel exhausted.... so much hung on this vote for the whole world. Now, we only have four years to turn the ship around and avoid the iceberg ahead.
    Have a nice day!!
    And...... thanks!

  3. And with their votes the people have made America great again.

  4. I too am exhausted, it’s fabulous news! I feel an enormous sense of relief this morning and great belief that Joe will restore the US to a country respected by the world.

  5. In 2008, Barack Obama inherited a huge mess left behind by his predecessor, G.W. Bush. It took years to clean up. This time, for Joe Biden, it is 10 times worse. I think Kamala Harris will play a huge role, and I think she's up to the task.

    1. I'm sure she's up to the task. She was great as California's AG and she is great as a US senator.

  6. Entièrement d'accord avec vous tous ! Bonne chance à Joe Biden 👍

    1. Bonjour, Christiane. Ces prochains jours seront interessants. Que va-t-il faire, comment va-t-il réagir, notre Trump chéri ? Disparaître sans faire trop de bruit, j'espère.

    2. Je ne crois pas. Il est tellement dépité qu'il va essayer de mettre le feu aux poudres! In ten weeks he can make a lot of damage.

  7. Trump was dangerous. I feel the danger is averted and a huge sense of relief.

  8. I heard there were bells ringing in Paris. The whole world is happy. For me the victory is like a cancer being removed (I am familiar with that happening). Let's hope that the surgery works (no mets) and the patient takes care of itself from now on. Biden had to fix the economy last time, now he's got the virus plus the economy with xenophobia thrown in the mix. I think he and Kamala will be a good team.

  9. such a relief...sad that NC seems to be red again, ugh
    thanks for the lovely photos....the US will rejoin our allies

  10. Such a relief! I hope you are having a quiet Sunday.

  11. Sorry for the result here in Florida, maybe next time more people will see the light. I’ve heard from my family in Canada and from friends around the world and we are all over the moon!

  12. I know just what you mean. Enjoy your day.

  13. I too am totally exhausted but relieved. Now we have our dignity restored!

  14. Friday night was the best night's sleep I've had and I had another good night last night. Four years of Trump, Trump and more Trump. Each day got worse. I am so relieved. No necessity to move. I didn't think I could put up with another 4 years.

    Celebration time for me meant quiet time. Not at all how I thought I would be celebrating ... but it was calming and very much a needed time for all of us. Now, to get the coronavirus under control.

    I guess I can remove my sticker from the back window of my car:

    Mary in Oregon

  15. It's not just you. I've been hearing from people all over, in many countries -- so many are reporting that for the first time in, literally, years, they've had a good night's sleep. When great stress or tension is removed, the natural response is to sleep -- so snooze away, folks. But only for a day or so, because we still have to get through those two senate runoffs in Georgia.
    Ye gods, but the US electoral system is weird.

    1. I think weird is an understatement -;

    2. And to think about the populations of California vs Wyoming as far as 2 senators / state... totally unfair to have Wyoming have so much power when California has exponentially a higher number of voters and yet only 2 senators. And...GET RID OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!!

      Mary in Oregon


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