06 September 2014

Terrine de courgettes

This is the third in a series, if you haven't noticed, about eating out of the garden. First was haricots verts à l'italienne, using up nearly two pounds of green beans and several tomatoes. Yesterday was fish with cucumbers, using three garden cukes.

Today it's two big zucchini from the garden baked in a terrine with onions, garlic, basil, cheese, a roasted red pepper, and eggs. I saw the basic recipe and method on French cuisine-plus.tv, and then "enhanced" it.

Terrine de courgettes au basilic

1,2 kg de courgettes
2 c. à soupe d’huile d’olive
3 œufs
1 oignon
10 feuilles de basilic
2 gousses d’ail
1 poivron rôti
150 g de fromage râpé
Sel, poivre

Rincez les courgettes et essuyez-les sans les peler. Coupez-les en très fines rondelles à l’aide d’une mandoline, ou d’un couteau bien aiguisé.

Hachez l’oignon et le faire blondir dans une cuillère d’huile d’olive, ajoutez les courgettes et faites les cuire environ 30 mn sans les laisser dorer et en faisant en sorte que tout leur eau s’évapore. Laissez refroidir et ajoutez les 3 œufs battus avec le sel, le poivre, le fromage, le poivron rôti coupé en morceaux, et le basilic haché avec les gousses d’ail.

Préchauffez le four à 160°C. Beurrez soigneusement un moule à cake (ou à soufflé). Versez-y l’appareil et enfournez au bain marie pendant 1 heure.

Démoulez la terrine une fois refroidie et présentez-la, avec le coulis de tomates tiède.

Set the dish in a pan, pour hot water in around it, and it's ready for the oven.

Basically, you cut the zucchinis into very thin slices and cook them down slowly with onion for 30 minutes to evaporate all their liquid. When the cooked zucchini has cooled to room temperature, mix in all the other ingredients. Bake the terrine in a water bath in a slow oven (325ºF) for an hour, covered, until the egg mixture has set. By the way, I used a mixture of grated goat cheese and feta, but any good cheese will work.

Serve the terrine cold or at room temperature with warm tomato sauce or coulis — we had the leftover green beans and tomatoes with ours. You can try to turn it out (after refrigerating it) or you can just spoon it out of the baking dish.


  1. If it was cooked on a Sunday, I'd say it fits the amusing typo in the French title of the recipe. No matter the day it was baked, I'm sure it was as delicious as it looks.

  2. Je ne l'avais pas vu ! LOL. Mes autres lecteurs non plus, je parie.

  3. I'm hungry already! I make crustless quiche, too. Six eggs, one cup of cream or milk, two cups of cheese and whatever else I want which is usually sauteed onion, mushroom, and sliced peppers. Add whatever seasoning I feel inspired to use and bake at 350F for thirty minutes. Your terrine must have a more delicate taste and texture and I may try that some time.......May your finger continue healing and your meals continue to be delicious.

  4. I've been enjoying your summer recipes and fixed several of them. We can't have a garden because of the wild-tame deer roaming the streets of Austin, but we do have access to good fresh produce. I would like to try this. Can you explain what soupe d'huile d' olive is?
    Or you could just publish your recipe items in English on the Blog.
    Richard Ewen

  5. "Une c. [cuillère] à soupe" is a Tbsp. [tablespoon], in this case of olive oil. Maybe you know that I have injured a finger on my right hand, so typing is not easy for me right now. Sorry.

    1. Thank you so much for your reply. I've been finger hampered before and I know the frustration. I just was thrown with the c. abbreviation that I read as 2 cups and therefore assumed soupé meant a special olive oil soup. Thanks for the clarification

  6. Zucchini terrine with basil

    1.2 kg zucchini
    2 c. tablespoons olive oil
    3 eggs
    1 onion
    10 basil leaves
    2 cloves of garlic
    1 roasted red pepper
    150g grated cheese
    Salt and pepper

    Rinse the zucchini and dry them without peeling. Cut into very thin slices using a mandoline or a sharp knife.

    Chop onion and sauté in a tablespoon of olive oil, add the zucchini and cook about 30 minutes until golden and without ensuring that all their water evaporates. Let cool and add 3 eggs beaten with salt, pepper, cheese, roast pepper, cut into pieces, and chopped basil with garlic.

    Preheat oven to 160 ° C. Carefully Butter a loaf pan (or soufflé mold). Pour the machine and bake in a water bath for 1 hour.

    Unmold the terrine once cooled and present it with the warm tomato sauce.

  7. The comment above is an example of Google Translate's effort to put the French recipe into English. If you don't read French, Google Translate can help.


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